International projects
Some creations staged by Johanny Bert have reached audiences outside France during international broadcasts:
Feet in the Clouds (Spain, Switzerland, Brazil), Krafff (China, Africa, India, Switzerland, Italy), Le Petit Bain (China, Belgium, Portugal), Hen (Portugal, Luxembourg).
Two invitations (detailed on this page) allowed Johanny Bert to recreate a show from the repertoire with artists and in the language of the country.
Today Johanny Bert seeks to develop new creations with foreign artists.
The Vorgang

Re-creation of the show "The Process" in German version in November 2022
In co-production with the Transfabrik Fund - Franco-German Fund for Live Performance, Stiftung für die deutsch-französische kulturelle Zusammenarbeit Saarbrücken (Germany), Le Carreau - National Stage of Forbach and Eastern Moselle, La Filature - National Stage of Mulhouse, Euro-scene Leipzig (Germany), Kinneksbond, Mamer Cultural Center (Luxembourg).
The text "Le Processus" by Catherine Verlaguet and its translation were selected and read at the PRIMEUR FESTIVAL organized by Le Carreau – Scène Nationale de Forbach et de l'Est mosellan and the French Institute of Saarbrücken and won the audience prize at the Primeur festival.
2022 Tour
- November 7 and 8, 2022: Loostik cross-border festival, Le Carreau - National stage of Forbach and Eastern Moselle (57)
- November 10-12, 2022: Euro-scene, Leipzig (Germany)
- November 14 and 15, 2022: Kinneksbond Cultural Center, Mamer (Luxembourg)
- November 17 and 18, 2022: La Filature, national stage of Mulhouse (68)
Claire is fifteen. She is pregnant. It is an "accident", as they say. What to do? Tell Fabien? Not tell him? Tell his mother? Abort? Not? How do you do it? And if not, what? Through her story, we accompany Claire during these few days when everything is at stake - or rather, unravels. Her doubts, feelings, anger, her internal pulsations... All punctuated by flashbacks retracing her love story with Fabien.
Text Catherine Verlaguet
Translation Frank Weigand
Directed by Johanny Bert
Actress Laura Sophia Becker
Assistant director Isabelle Rivoal
With the voices of Rasmus Max Wirth, Dorli Lamar, Isabelle Rivoal, Marwin Funk
Creation of Marc de Frutos sound
Costumes Morgane Pegon, Petronille Salomé

Claire ist fünfzehn Jahre alt. Sie trifft Fabien, er ist genauso alt wie sie. Gemeinsam erleben sie ihre erste Verliebtheit, ihre erste sexual Beziehung. Das ist schön. Nach dieser ersten Erfahrung ist Claire schwanger. Was tun? Is Fabien erzählen? Is it not correct? Is this Mutter erzählen? Abtreiben? Didn't it end? The little fuss was made by Claire during the Tage, and all of them were damaged – or even if they were not damaged. Wir erleben ihren Zweifel, ihre Gedanken, ihre Gefühle, ihre Wut, ihre inneren Impulse.
Theaterstück für Jugendliche ab 15 Jahren
Dauer ca. 50min + Publikumsaustausch
Show for ages 15 and up (3rd)
Duration: 50min + meeting (30min minimum)
Text Catherine Verlaguet
Translated by Frank Weigand
Director Johanny Bert
Game Laura Sophia Becker
Regieassistenz Isabelle Rivoal
With the voices of Rasmus Max Wirth, Dorli Lamar, Isabelle Rivoal, Marwin Funk
Fruit Marc Tongue Restoration
Costume Morgane Pegon, Petronille Salomé
Production Romette Theatre
Koproduktionen Koproduktion Fonds Transfabrik – Deutsch-französischer Fonds für darstellende Künste, Stiftung für die duutsch-französische cultural Zusammenarbeit Saarbrücken (Deutschland), Le Carreau - Scène nationale de Forbach et de l'Est Moselle (France), La Filature - Scène nationale de Mulhouse (France), Euro-scene Leipzig (Deutschland), Kinneksbond, Mamer Cultural Center (Luxembourg).

She is not a princess
He's no hero

Re-creation of the show "She not Princess, He not Hero" in New York.
English Language Premiere with FIAF (French Institute Alliance Française) and The Cultural Services of the French Embassy in New York
Directed by Johanny Bert
Text: Magali Mougel
Translated from French to English by Chris Campbell
Assistant Director Dylan Côté
Performers Marleny Heredia, Zan Vailento
Wednesday, February 6, 10am and 12pm
Thursday, February 7, 10am and 12pm

She No Princess / He No Hero is a piece for two actors telling a story in two parts. Taking place throughout two distinct spaces for two 30-person groups, the piece transports the audience through the clichés and stereotypes young boys and girls confront as they come of age. She No Princess / He No Hero is told through the voices of Leïli and Nils, two children who do not assume the gender roles that society has dictated for them. The two characters tell their stories discussing and challenging the definitive roles one is expected to perform as a boy or a girl. At intermission, the groups switch rooms and the audience meets the other character.
Leïli and Nils are in the same class. Leïli likes to hunt, dress like boys and put gel in her hair. Since she lives in the country, her mother dresses her practically: "No dresses, no ballet flats". Nils has long hair, cries often, and is not very strong. His father worries about him: "He is thin as a rail, he eats like a bird, and he has the haircut of a little girl". Together, these children will grow up without being either a princess or a hero.